lets talk

Year in

lets talk

A word from our
President & CEO: 

lets talk
lets talk

2024 marked our
biggest impact yet!


When Educators Are
Children Thrive

When we give educators the right tools and support, amazing things happen. Our partners are proving that small changes in daily interactions lead to profound outcomes for both children and teachers. To have a positive impact means to accelerate positive change. Evaluation data from 2024 shows that LENA Grow makes for very big, very positive changes:

School Readiness & Early Literacy

LENA Grow children were 1.6x more likely to demonstrate overall readiness & 1.5x more likely to demonstrate language and literacy readiness.

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Social Skills

LENA Grow children experienced significant increases in social-emotional scores on the LAP™ B-K assessment.

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Teacher Retention

LENA Grow teachers were significantly more likely to remain in their jobs: 75% of Grow teachers remained compared to 37% of non-Grow teachers.

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partner child

424 Partners
in Progress

Our partners are the driving force behind LENA's work to transform early childhood education. In 2024, all 424 innovative organizations helped us reach more children than ever before, creating lasting impact in early childhood education.

Partner Spotlight: Memphis Head Start

In Memphis, Tenn., the nonprofit organization Porter-Leath is seeing remarkable results with LENA Grow in their Head Start classrooms.

  • Children are seeing improved language, literacy, and social skills.
  • Rising kindergarteners are achieving higher school readiness assessment scores.
  • Educators are reporting better job satisfaction, and teacher retention is on the rise.
  • The school-home connection is getting stronger, as teachers and directors use LENA Grow reports to engage parents.

Porter-Leath is showing what’s possible when educators and families have the right tools to nurture young minds together.

partner mom and child

"Language builds relationships, and relationships build language."

- Larissa Fullilove
Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Coach at Porter-Leath

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As a nonprofit social enterprise, LENA is committed to being good financial stewards while equipping ourselves to innovate and further our mission. We take dual pathways to funding:

  1. generating revenue through the sale of our products and services, like LENA Grow; and
  2. securing generous funding from philanthropic organizations that share our vision for improving child outcomes.

Philanthropic funding is a catalyst for scaling our work to make an even bigger impact. With national and place-based funding, we can subsidize partner costs, take risks, invest in forward-looking solutions, and pilot innovations.

Projects funded by philanthropy include testing new data delivery experiences, measuring LENA’s ease of use in various settings, user-centered design work and market analyses, and enhancing LENA’s software and technology.

To all our funders, thank you! We are incredibly grateful for your support of our mission!

Valhalal Overdeck Klingenstein Daniels Fund Yield Giving Viking Global W K Kellog

Thank You for Being
Part of Our Story


To our partners and supporters:

Your commitment to meaningful conversations with children is creating lasting change in their lives. Every interaction you foster, every teacher you support, and every family you reach brings us closer to our shared vision of responsive, interaction-rich early learning environments for all children.

Make an Impact

Discover how LENA can help your organization improve outcomes for children and teachers.

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