Sharon Walker

Director of Research & Early Years

Dr. Sharon Walker is Director of Research & Early Years at Calgary Reads, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Sharon received her Master’s of Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Alberta and her Doctor of Education from the University of Calgary, where her research focused on the changing role of the speech-language pathologist in early education settings. She has worked within the education, health, and non-profit sectors focusing primarily on speech, language, and literacy development with early learners and school-aged children. Over her 20 year career, she has had the pleasure of working with children, parents, teachers, educational assistants, post-secondary students, public health nurses, and led a staff of 65 serving kindergarten and preschool children. She is an active member of the First 2000 Days Network to link, align, and leverage opportunities in the early childhood sector in her city and province. She regularly speaks at conferences and other learning events about communication and literacy. Sharon also serves as Director on the Board of Speech-Language & Audiology Canada ,and she is passionate about using research-informed approaches and the science of early brain architecture to impact the early childhood sector.