Add an early language focus to any home visiting program.
Add an early language focus to any home visiting program.
Help parents and home visitors collaborate to improve children’s language environments.
LENA Home provides an innovative way to support home visitors working to help their families add an increased focus on talk and positive interactions. It is research-based, evidence-informed, and has been developed through our experience working with thousands of children and families. LENA Home supports home visitors working with parents of children ages 0-3 through these integrated elements:
The 14 Talking Tips
integrate easily into daily routines and help participants boost interactive talk throughout the day. Download a copy.
Short coaching sessions
quickly and clearly teach parents how to build babies’ brains through early language and integrate easily into existing curricula. Explore an interactive sample.
LENA Technology
accurately measures the amount of talk in a child’s environment and creates easy-to-understand feedback reports for caregivers. Learn more.
The LENA Online™ portal
simplifies program administration and provides real-time insight into each family’s progress, allowing individualized coaching.
Training, analysis, and support
are provided by dedicated LENA staff to help ensure successful implementations with high fidelity.
The 14 Talking Tips
integrate easily into daily routines and help participants boost interactive talk throughout the day. Download a copy.
The 14 Talking Tips are simple, research-based tips to increase adult-child connections.They integrate easily into existing routines without adding another “thing to do” to an already busy day. Download a copy.
LENA Technology
accurately measures the amount of talk in a child’s environment and creates easy-to-understand feedback reports for caregivers. Learn more.
The LENA Online™ portal
simplifies program administration and provides real-time insight into each family’s progress, allowing individualized coaching
Training, analysis, and support are provided by dedicated LENA staff to help ensure successful implementations with high fidelity.
To help children, start by supporting their families.
LENA Home helps parents promote and participate in their child’s learning. Feedback-based educational content helps parents advance their own learning interests. Built-in effectiveness measures indicate that, through their work with LENA Home, adults are talking more and children are increasing language skills as a result.
“Investments that bolster the parenting capacities of families are the most effective way to promote social mobility and foster equal opportunities.”
- James Heckman, Nobel Laureate in Economics, See heckmanequation.org for more information.
How does LENA Home work?
LENA Home is designed for flexibility and ease of integration with existing programs. Each coaching session takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The topic sequence includes four core sessions and up to nine language enrichment sessions. Sessions cover foundational topics like dialogic reading and songs and rhymes, as well as how to use LENA technology. It is recommended that each participating family complete at least six LENA Days and at least nine LENA Home coaching sessions, either weekly or every other week.
All resources needed to deliver the coaching sessions are provided centrally in LENA Online. A series of initial trainings gets you started, and ongoing, dedicated support guides you as your program grows.
What makes LENA Home unique?
- An enhanced focus on increasing talk with children, through simple, practical, easy-to-learn tips based in research
- Clear, action-oriented reports home visitors can use to coach families on the language environment
- Hourly breakouts that indicate which times during the day activities were most effective at increasing talk, as well as
opportunities for improvement - Automated goal setting that home visitors and families can work on achieving as a team
- An emphasis on shared book reading, a key strategy for increasing talk
What the research says
Inside Early Talk, the latest report from LENA’s research team, shows that children engage in 73% more conversational turns and hear 28% more adult words at home than in traditional child care environments.
Who is using LENA Home?
The program is implemented in partnership with trusted community organizations including school districts, Head Start organizations, and other organizations providing home visiting services to families.