Webinars (5)

educator holding infant

Understanding Challenging Behavior in Early Childhood Education

Recorded: Jul 24, 2024

In this webinar we will discuss how a focused approach on educator-child interactions can enhance relationships, support healthy social behaviors, manage challenging behaviors, and prevent them from occurring. 

teacher and preschooler at table counting objects

Setbacks and Solutions: Helping early educators navigate language and social-emotional delays

Recorded: Sep 14, 2023

It’s more important than ever to equip early childhood educators to address children’s unique needs and help get their language and social-emotional development on track. There’s strong new evidence to suggest that LENA Grow, a language-focused professional development program for early educators, is effective at doing just that.

Support from the Start: The Power of Responsive Interactions in Supporting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

Recorded: Jul 26, 2023

What are the most effective, accessible, achievable ways to nurture infant and early childhood mental health/social and emotional well-being in young children? As anyone who has ever cared for a young child or talked to a stressed-out early educator or struggling parent well knows, this is a question that deserves all the attention it can get.

The link between language and socioemotional development

Recorded: Jul 12, 2021

Many previous studies have drawn connections between the quantity of back-and-forth interactions in early childhood and later linguistic and cognitive skills. Importantly, newly published research conducted in Chile has taken a novel direction, determining that infants’ language environments predict their socioemotional skills one year later.

Blog Posts (11)

Articles (2)