What exactly IS early literacy anyway? And how can early childhood education program decision makers help support these critical skills?
What exactly IS early literacy anyway? And how can early childhood education program decision makers help support these critical skills?
Whether you’re a caregiver or educator, you already have everything you need to nurture early literacy skills.
Kindergarten readiness starts early, and simple caregiver-child interactions make a big difference!
What truly prepares a child for kindergarten? Early childhood educators discuss all things school readiness related in this webinar!
You probably know third grade reading ability is a big deal, but do you really know why? Let’s talk about it and how it’s connected to ECE!
Read Teresa’s story from being unsure about the power of LENA Grow in her classroom to school board success!
LENA Grow increases children’s kindergarten readiness assessment scores, according to data from school districts in South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
Kindergarten readiness (sometimes called “school readiness”) means a lot of things to a lot of people … but what exactly is it?
New data analysis suggests LENA Grow accelerates social-emotional development, a strong sign of kindergarten readiness.
Challenging behavior is among the most pressing issues facing early childhood educators today.
Discover how to identify and respond to challenging behaviors in early childhood education classrooms and explore how LENA can help!
Royce Simons served in the navy. Then he worked in a state prison. One day, he turned to his wife, Tonya, and said, “When I retire, we’re going to stay home and do child care, right?”
Highlights from a LENA webinar: New data analysis on how much interaction dual language learners experience with their teachers in child care settings amplifies a call to action.
Early childhood education classrooms across the U.S. provide significantly fewer conversational turns for children who are dual language learners than for their monolingual peers.
In a new case study, we explore the how/why/when/where of Ohio’s statewide implementation of the LENA Grow professional development program.
One veteran teacher’s LENA Grow journey: “It kind of goes back to my childhood. I struggled with learning. I never really had anyone who taught me that as long as I kept trying, I could.”
Lesson #1: States can fund quality initiatives without sacrificing their commitment to access. … What else did we learn from state leaders in Ohio and Tennessee about scalable early childhood initiatives?
In 2023, we were thrilled to announce a generous $5 million gift from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Here’s what that means for LENA’s future, and for our continued role in reshaping early childhood education.
LENA’s journey through 2023 has been marked by revealing insights and transformative discussions. Join us as we take a look back at some of the blog posts, webinars, and resources that gained the most attention over the year.
Dr. Lucy Hart Paulson, co-author of LETRS for Early Childhood Educators, on how learning to talk and learning to read and write happen in parallel. Learning to read starts earlier than you think, and conversational turns are an important piece of the puzzle!
A documentary film from director Jenny Mackenzie and executive producer LeVar Burton features two LENA Start coordinators and their families.
New data analysis shows that LENA Grow may help boost language and social-emotional Teaching Strategies GOLD® scores.
Your room’s arrangement, materials, and how you present them all affect learning, for both the children and you. How can you create a space that lets you focus on strong relationships with the children you care for?
Researchers from the University of Hartford highlight nine key insights from Hartford’s qualitative evaluation of the LENA Grow program in Hartford, Conn.