Crosswalks and Partnerships
At LENA, we recognize that while early talk is a key factor contributing to a host of positive child outcomes, it needs to fit within a layered system of support to families, children, and educators. Our goal is that participating in a LENA program places a minimal burden on caregivers and complements the work they are already doing. We believe these collaborations can help further that goal and strengthen and support educators, families, and communities.

“No single program or sector can fully meet the needs of young children and their families – this work requires collaboration and partnerships across programs and agencies including early care and learning, early intervention, health and behavioral health, human services, employment, education, community and faith-based organizations, researchers, businesses, philanthropy and other child and family serving systems.”
– Office of Early Childhood Development report
National-level crosswalks
The Head Start Performance Standards and Early Learning Outcomes
The Classroom Assessment Scoring System® (CLASS)
LENA Grow alignment with CLASS: Increasing CLASS Scores for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
On-Demand Webinar — Building Classroom Quality Through Language
The Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children
Desired Results Developmental Profile© (DRDP)
Also known as the Kindergarten Entry Inventory (KEI)
National-level partnerships
State-level crosswalks
In a webinar hosted by the BUILD Initiative in late 2022, Quality Improvement Systems (QIS) leaders from four states discussed the importance of innovative, data-driven initiatives to improve quality, with a special focus on LENA Grow.
On-Demand Webinar — A New Approach to Data-Driven Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Programs
Research Clearinghouse
Oklahoma Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Success