LENA is a national nonprofit on a mission to transform early childhood education.
In 2016, LENA partnered with the Early Learning Coalition of Escambia County to pilot a brand new professional development program called LENA Grow. In the years since, LENA's impact in Florida — and around the world — has grown dramatically. The sky is the limit ...
LENA Grow Improves Kindergarten Readiness
Preschoolers who participated in LENA Grow were ~2x more likely to demonstrate kindergarten readiness. Evaluation sites included school districts in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Assessments included the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment, i-Ready®, and BRIGANCE®.
On the Ground in Florida
Breakthroughs that make a measurable difference.
The same technology behind the LENA Grow program also powers research studies at universities around the world, including many of Florida's top institutions. To date, LENA technology has made possible more than 200 peer-reviewed publications, expanding the field's knowledge of early language development, cognitive development, autism spectrum disorder, and more.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Early Literacy Is in LENA's DNA
LENA was founded in 2004 by the late Terry Paul and his wife, Judi. Terry and Judi were entrepreneurs, having founded Renaissance Learning before LENA. They pioneered such reading, math, and testing products as the Star Assessments, which are used in 70,000 schools in the United States and more than 50 countries worldwide. LENA is the culmination of Terry and Judi's vision for boosting school readiness.
LENA programs have been shown to boost Star Early Literacy assessment scores in Huntsville, Ala.
LENA Grow Reduces Challenging Behaviors
Comparing assessments conducted before and after a single five-week LENA Grow sequence, children saw statistically significant increases in scores reflecting healthy social behaviors (+6.2). Those children also saw statistically significant increases (+18.5) between the beginning and end of the school year. Children who participated in more than one five-week LENA Grow sequence over the course of the year saw larger gains (+33.3), suggesting an added benefit of revisiting the LENA Grow program throughout the year.
Connect with Gina Gates,
Regional Partnerships Director