Webinars (15)

Sustainable, scalable initiatives in early childhood: What’s next for funding and quality improvement?

Recorded: Jan 30, 2024

It’s no easy task for early childhood leaders to strategically disburse funds from PDG B-5, CCDBG, CLSD, and ARPA grants into the hands of LEAs and CCR&Rs. In fact, the alphabet soup of early childhood education funding streams can be a bit hard to digest, so to speak. In this webinar, state leaders will tell the stories of how and why they invested in initiatives for statewide implementation, as well as their visions for further expansion and impact.

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teacher and preschooler at table counting objects

Setbacks and Solutions: Helping early educators navigate language and social-emotional delays

Recorded: Sep 14, 2023

It’s more important than ever to equip early childhood educators to address children’s unique needs and help get their language and social-emotional development on track. There’s strong new evidence to suggest that LENA Grow, a language-focused professional development program for early educators, is effective at doing just that.

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children in preschool room wearing LENA devices

“Because of the data”: LENA Grow at Pasco County Schools

Recorded: Jun 22, 2023

The Director of Early Childhood Programs and an instructional coach from Pasco County Schools, Fla., describe the why and the how of their LENA journey, touching on topics such as family engagement, CLASS scores, funding, and teacher job satisfaction.

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Evaluating LENA Grow’s impact on early childhood education classrooms 

Recorded: Jan 25, 2023

Two independent program evaluations of LENA Grow show links between the professional development program and positive outcomes for early childhood educators and the children in their care.

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A New Approach to Data-driven Quality Improvement in Early Childhood Programs

Recorded: Dec 5, 2022

Hosted by the BUILD Initiative and featuring Jodi Whiteman, LENA’s Director of Partnerships and Growth, this webinar examines how state leaders at looking at quality improvement initiatives in terms of cost and scalability, alignment with philosophy, impact and evaluation, and provider perspectives.

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Every interaction counts: Bringing back a thriving culture through early talk

Recorded: Apr 27, 2022

Join ELC of Orange County and ELC of Sarasota County as they share their data and stories on how they’ve increased teacher confidence, competence, and CLASS scores while improving quality assessment outcomes despite the challenges of the past two years.   

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What the Texas Rising Star QRIS can tell us about quality child care interactions

Recorded: Sep 15, 2021

In Texas, the most recent review of the early childhood QRIS called for a greater emphasis to be placed on caregiver-child interactions. How is Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas using LENA Grow to help child care providers increase quality adult-child interactions?

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Supporting teachers in building a responsive caregiving environment

Recorded: Oct 28, 2020

There’s a wide variability of interactions across child care settings. What makes an interaction a quality interaction, and how do we reduce teacher stress while supporting their drive for quality interactions?

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Building Classroom Quality Through Language

Recorded: Jun 2, 2019

How can organizations support teachers in building classroom quality through interactive language? See where we stand and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with increasing interactions.

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Blog Posts (24)

Early Literacy is an Open Book: Webinar Highlights


When does a child start learning to read? Long before they open their first book or write their first letter! In our recent webinar, “Early Literacy Is an Open Book,” experts shared how early literacy shapes success in early childhood education and beyond.

Articles (1)

Teachers use technology too!

Emilie CooperOct 1, 2019

A teacher describes how she used LENA technology to help create a richer language environment in her classroom.